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Alert High Erythrocytes Cause Health Disorders

Someone called having high erythrocytes when there is an increase in the level of red blood cells in the body. These blood cells act as carriers of oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues. The numbers that determine normal red blood cell (erythrocyte) levels and other blood examination parameters actually differ from one institution to another. Generally, these levels vary based on age and gender. Normal blood cell counts in adult men range from 700,000 to 5.2 million erythrocytes per microliter (mcL) and women 500,000 to 4.6 million erythrocytes per mcL. Erythrocyte levels can increase if there are conditions where oxygen supply decreases in the body. This triggers the body to make more red blood cells as compensation to maintain oxygen availability. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that functions to carry oxygen for use in all body tissues. In adult men, normal hemoglobin ranges from 13 to 18 grams per deciliter (dL) and in women ranges from 12 to 16 dL. Hematocrit is a unit of ratio (ratio) between the number of red blood cells and the total volume of blood in the body. The normal range of hematocrit in adult men ranges from 42% to 52%, while in women between 37% to 48%. Although erythrocytes carry oxygen throughout the body, high levels of erythrocytes does not mean that the body's health is getting better, on the contrary. Therefore, it is important to know the level of red blood cells to know the oxygen levels obtained in each body tissue so that they run perfectly. The number of red blood cell levels can be known from the results of blood tests according to doctor's advice. This test can be a reference to overall body health. If the blood test results are abnormal, the doctor may apply other tests such as ultrasound or bone marrow biopsy to confirm the possibility of health problems.

Look at the Causes of High Erythrocytes

Excess red blood cells in the body are often asymptomatic. However, this condition can cause complaints such as fatigue, shortness of breath, body weakness, muscle aches, sleep disturbance, and itchy skin, especially after bathing. Meanwhile, patients who lack oxygen generally show symptoms such as confusion, weakness or dizziness, especially when the body changes posture suddenly, bluish-colored skin, restless, and shortness of breath. Conditions of high erythrocytes or polycythemia are generally divided into two, namely: primary and secondary polycythemia. It is said primary if there are problems in the process of making red blood cells. For example in polycythemia vera, which is a bone marrow disease that is associated with genetic mutations and causes excessive erythrocyte production. In this condition, the production of white blood cells and platelets (platelets) can also increase. Secondary polycythaemia is caused by a condition or other accompanying disease that underlies the formation of excess red blood cells. This high erythrocyte can occur due to several things such as:
  • Dehydration. In this condition, the plasma fluid in the blood decreases so that the ratio between the volume of blood and red blood cells increases (hemoconcentration).
  • Lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Being in the highlands (eg mountains), where less oxygen levels in the air can cause high erythrocytes for several weeks
  • Heart disease, such as heart failure or congenital heart disease in adults
  • Some kidney disorders, such as kidney tumors, can also cause this organ to produce erythoprotein too much so that it triggers the production of red blood cells
  • Blood transfusion.
  • Hemoglobinopathy, which is a congenital condition in which red blood cells lack the capacity to carry oxygen.
  • Dependence on nicotine (smoking habit).
  • Medication use. Anabolic steroid injections, gentamicin.
If not treated properly, the condition of excess red blood cells can cause blockages in blood vessels. This blockage can cause other life-threatening diseases such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), stroke, heart attack, and pulmonary embolism. To check on the condition, you need to consult a doctor. Excess red blood cells can be treated with drugs such as hydroxycarbamide and interferon. To prevent blockages in the arteries, your doctor may give you a low dose of aspirin. Another way is by veneseksi (blood donor), this method requires about 500 cc of blood output and can be repeated according to the schedule suggested by the doctor. The good news, there are ways you can do to avoid high erythrocytes and maintain stable blood cell levels. Among them are exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, maintaining a healthy diet with a variety of nutrients, consuming more water, reducing consumption of red meat and other sources of iron, avoiding the use of diuretic drugs, and avoiding consumption of drinks containing alcohol or caffeine.


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